Merry Christmas

P1010802Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all MKC members. Here’s hoping for some great paddling opportunities in 2010.

Don’t forget: The Boxing Day Paddle – meet at the Club at 11.00 am

The first trip of 2010 is the New Year Great River Rother Trip. (Etchingham to Bodiam) Sunday 3rd January – meet at the Club ready to go at 8.15 am

River Arun – Stopham to Greatham Report

Saturday arrived at last and the morning was ….. bright and crisp, as befitting a December paddle. The sun shone and everyone arrived in time for the 11.00 am departure from the club. Everyone, that is, except for Adrian! When he finally arrived he was very late, with no reasonable excuse, but impeccably dressed. After the drive we met up with Mike C and a friend from Adur Canoe Club, and with Mick O of Arun Canoe club. They’d been forced into sampling the beer early at “The White Hart”, conveniently situated just next to the get in bridge whilst they waited for us. All in we had 13 paddlers on the water, an excellent turnout for our first Arun paddle. As a club we are just “dipping our toes in the water” of the possibilities of the Arun. We will be paddling it again next year and further exploring its sections.

After retrieving Mike C we got changed and ready to shuttle,

Mike still able to balance apres pre-paddle drinks,

Whilst we were there we detoured up the last 100 metres of the Rother to check out Pulborough Weir,

Club members Sanna and Sara took advantage of the placid water to practice their canoeing skills,

Although I’m not sure the paddling duties were split evenly,

Nikki with her stealth pogies,

Martina looking very photogenic!

Ruth and Aidrian, and some bearded geezer in a red suit!

The get-out at Greatham Bridge, two hours later!

Thanks to all who came along. A great way to spend a Saturday in the run up to Christmas!
