P5230272Following the success of Pete Knowles’ book: ‘Pub Paddles’ a number of Martlet paddlers have formed a new group called the Sundae Paddlers. As the name suggests, their main aim is to enjoy a weekend paddle to the nearest purveyor of ice cream.

This Sunday (May 23rd) proved to be a real scorcher, the ideal opportunity for our first expedition. The intrepid paddlers launched onto a calm sea from the Club beach and set off for Rottingdean. Avoiding all distractions en route – namely a Rave being held on Ovingdean beach – the group doggedly stuck to the task and, as the photo shows, finally achieved its objective 50 minutes later.

Footnote:The cone with a double flake (not shown in the photo) receives my particular endorsement. Any suggestions for future outings gratefully received.  Chris C.






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