River Arun Trip Report

Stopham Bridge to Pallingham Quay Weir

21st November 2010

Eight of us met at Stopham Bridge just by the White Hart Pub on the river Arun last Sunday, it was a grey day, hardly a breeze, dry and wee bit chilly. We were joined by four members from the Adur Canoe Club and were on the water ready to go at 10:30

Warming up at Stopham Bridge

With two canoes and five kayaks we paddled north towards Pallingham with what should have been the tide in our favour, but recent rainfall proved otherwise. So we had to paddle against a steady flow, which was fine until the river narrowed in places, then it became a little bit of a work out.

Polly and Ian followed by Rob

Three and half miles, and two and a quarter hours later we arrived at the weir just above Pallingham Lock and had lunch.

High river levels meant there was no drop at the weir, but a small wave /feature with stopper to play on.

Polly clears a way through

Nick holds the bridge up

Rich keeps his head!

So the return paddle back to Stopham bridge was a doddle – with the flow assisting us we made it back in one and a half hours and then warmed ourselves by the fire in the pub with a pint by four.

Trip report by Clive Edwards

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