About Us


Martlet Kayak Club is a small but lively members Club based in Brighton, which provides facilities, equipment and training to promote and encourage the participation in kayaking and canoeing. It is totally run by volunteers from within the membership which means it is informal, varied and as good as the members make it. Membership of MKC entitles the member to use the Club facilities,boats and equipment

With our Club premises on Brighton seafront, Martlet’s home waters are just across the beach in the English Channel. We are lucky in that we have no access problems (well unless it is a party political conference or a London to Brighton rally when road access may be closed) apart from the limitations presented by the weather.The Club plays an active role in many of the sea based activities of the City such as providing safety cover to the Pier to Pier swimming race and the swim section of the Brighton Triathlon and holding an open day during the annual waterfront festival, when you can have a go at paddling for free.All standards of paddlers, even complete beginners, are welcome. Instruction is provided by the club’s volunteer coaches and membership includes the use of Club equipment, which provides you with everything you’d need to get started (other than a swimming costume!).The club achieved Community Amateur Sports Clubs status in 2004 which is the equivalent of a charity and means MKC can claim rates relief on the arches and can claim gift aid on donations.

We have also achieved Club Mark status and were awarded Brighton & Hove Sports Club Of  The Year 2010.

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